Saturday, November 29, 2008

Biometric Fingerprint Scanning System Beneficial Advantages

In today’s time, there are many advantages to these innovated devices that are being created. Fingerprint scanning devices are well-established systems and have been used in law enforcement with positive identification of people. Some of the benefits of the system include ease of use, low power, reasonable pricing, and access to large databases. It cannot be shared, copied or lost due to the unique characteristics each fingerprint acquires. Most importantly, there are no two fingers that consist with the same fingerprint. A significant aspect to the fingerprint scanning system is that the fingerprint is not recorded but stored. The scanning system captures the fingerprint image into points that illustrates the layout in a statistical format. This reduces the chances of the fingerprint being duplicated for fraudulent purposes.

In London, police are able to carry a hand held fingerprint-scanning device, which has access to a database with 6.5 million prints. This is beneficial for the police because they will save plenty of time with drivers. They will have access in identifying the person within minutes with the handheld device rather than going to the station for inquiries. Their encounters can be reduced from three hours to fifth-teen minutes. This will also facilitate airports in conducting their security checks in a faster and reliable manner. This will reduce line-ups and ensure the identification of every individual.

An advantage for companies having a fingerprint scanning system is that, employees will not be able to have their colleagues’ punch-in for them if they are running late. It is difficult for supervisors to manage many of their employees while maintaining and keeping track of each employee’s time and attendance. Therefore, having this system, managers will know exactly when the employee has arrived and left work. Furthermore, this will save many companies labour cost as well as establishing the profitability without having employee labour theft.
Biometric fingerprint systems will be soon incorporated with ATM machines and banks to ensure that it is the rightful cardholder getting access to his/her account. The PINs can be easily shared or copied by another person or easily forgotten by the cardholder. This will be beneficial for the banking industry because the fingerprint scanning system will reduce any unauthorized transactions with clients accounts. This will also increase the profitability of the banking industry. In particular, this system will ensure the safety and trust of their clients with the banking industry that their finances are secured.

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